Monday 29 August 2016


Second time round the world seems so different
The differences between parenting our first and second babies are distinct, this is due to experience, growth in us as parents, and the shift in focus - Your first child take all your focus, where as with the second child you are forced to split your focus.

With our first child, Alex, we literally had very little idea what do, we were learning our roles as parents, stressed, tired and somewhat panicky. Even the smallest incidents, caused us to question ourselves, review parenting books and search the internet for answers (I recommend The other night, Zoe threw-up some milk, while this was disturbing, we stayed calm, monitored her a little more than usual and she was fine. If that had happened with Alex we would have been freaking out and in the car to emergency. It is good to look back and laugh, but also cerebrate the progress we have made - Go team!

The first time Alex hit his head, I called the child health hotline, by the time I got to speak to someone, Alex was fine, but they kept me on the phone for what felt like 40 mins and insisted I take him to a medical centre, for what the doctor described as a slight bump.

Pro-tip - When the baby sleeps you sleep
On Monday, Alex was in daycare, this meant for most of the day, it was back to the "simple" life of just one child to look after. We took advantage and went to the shops, and while it is slower with stops for feeding and nappy changes, it is fine. I remember thinking when Alex was a new born, this is crazy it takes twice as long to do anything... I was so naive. When Alex was little, every time He would sleep I would try to cram in the cleaning, the cooking, or the remnants of my pre-child life - such a rookie move. Sleeping whenever the baby sleeps is the only way to fight the cumulative effects of the limited night time sleep. I heard on a Podcast that drunk people outperform the sleep deprived in decision making tests (<5 hrs sleep a night for 10 days straight). So that is why I say when the baby sleeps you sleep, even if it means delaying the laundry an extra day, falling behind on Netflix or not updating your blog...

Hell is a real place - I've seen it
When we dropped Alex off at his home daycare, the daycare Mum had a crying baby on each hip and a pumped up Alex and another full-on little boy. If it turns out that hell is personalised, being a daycare mum would be mine. In all seriousness, hats off to you childcare workers, you do a great job but it is not for me. 

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