Monday 20 April 2015

Apologies for not posting frequently, and a special thanks to those who wrote to complain about my slackness.

In the last 1.5 weeks I've stated to normalise the house's daily routine, getting the cleaning, cooking, shopping, social baby outings under control, these all fit in around the babies two daytime sleeps. But as is the nature of babies, they keep growing, and with this their needs change. This effects the baby's sleep times and thus forces a reshuffle of the daily routine. These are generally slight changes, sleeping less, waking up earlier or taking longer to settle. However every so often, we have disruptive changes, for example, last week Alex started walking, he is not at full pace yet, but it won't be long. I've pondered the idea of applying a SCRUM Methodology to parenting to help adapt to these changes. I generally plan each week at a time based on the last, however I've started identifying trends which I'm now incorporating, e.g progressive changes in morning sleep habits.

Tissues must be an odd thing to babies, we have always had to keep the tissues out of reach, or Alex will pull each tissue out of the box one by one, and eat the tissues. I'm not sure why but I figured that babies just like tissues. However last week Alex had a cold with a constantly running nose, He instinctively wiped the snot right across his face, using his left hand always*.  When ever I tried to wipe his nose with a tissue he would push me away, throw his arms across his face and scream. It is amazing how evasive the little guy can be.  Surprisingly if I wiped it using only my fingers, no reaction, I tried a number of things, because using my fingers is gross. In the end I sacrificed a cow puppet named Sir Loin, which my sister in-law had given us for easter... (sorry Kat - I'll wash it and get it back in the toy box). The puppet worked great, although we would have looked funny in public...

*- Perhaps this is the first sign that he is a lefty, or perhaps not, but it would make a great story, "Son, I first noticed that you were left handed when you repeatedly rubbed snot across your face right to left with your left hand....

I'll finish with a bad poem about how much I love our robot vacuum, mostly because it makes it easy to stop Alex eating random stuff from the ground.

Ode to robot vacuum cleaner
The two-wheel bot, with a fish eye lense and an aptitude for dust destruction
You patrol my floors and don't ask for instruction
Exterminate! Exterminate! dirt with pure aggression
You clean my floors to near perfection!
You bump and crash your way around, while I do the dishes
the laundry, the bathroom as is my wishes
I'm thankful for the time you save me, you are not a dunce
It's the only way I can be a true mum and do two things at once

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