Wednesday 29 April 2015


Do The Time Warp
It amazes me just how fast the weeks go by, one of my fears going into this was that time would move in slow motion, and I'd be bored stupid. It 's turned out to be quite the opposite. Now the weeks seem to be flying through. In anticipation of the boredom and lack of adult conversation I adopted a number of tactics. What I discovered is that play with your baby can really engaging and you don't need these tactics to have a great day and stave of the boredom. The best ways I've found are: to focus on tasks like cleaning; go to lots of activities like swimming and Mother group; and to have interesting Podcats or Radio on in the background. Not so good ideas are surfing the web on your phone, it is rude to ignore your children like that; and try to avoid the boredom eating trap...

Little Dad, Big Pond
Two weeks ago, Alex Graduated from the first swimming class. This is significant because Alex is only 11 mths, and they only pass people up after they turn 1, I was so proud. When we went back the next week the new class was a major step up with the kids a lot older, We had literally changed ponds... we were the worst pair. I laughed about it later, but it is a great reminder that kids sports is not something dad's should get competitive about... that only leads to bad things, either that or the Williams sisters. Anyway I'll try to remember not to get caught up in junior sport.

Keep Running 
Last week I purchased a running pram on Gumtree for $125. I figure if I can get a dollar a KM that's a great price. So far its costing me approx $13 a km, so lots of running to do...

Does size matter?
It's really funny to watch what Alex eat. He can really eat, but he has some funny habits. Sometimes he sorts through his plate and eat food in a particular order. Sometimes its type of food e.g. all the broccoli then all the corn... but the funniest is when he starts comparing size of the pieces. He will pick up the two largest pieces, one in each hand hold them up and compare then take a bite from the largest. Only to realise that now the other one is bigger. So he swaps, drops the first one and takes a bite from the second one... after a while he realises it is no longer the biggest piece... and so it continues until there is no food left. Of course there are other days when he just screams and throws his food everywhere...

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