Tuesday 7 April 2015

It's been a relatively big couple of weeks since I last posted, getting over the Gastro and then visiting Grandma and Grandad for easter.

Louise was last to get gastro and as a result, worked from home for 3 days last week to avoid infecting her work colleagues. This introduced a new dynamic in our household. Obviously I have a lot less experience than Louise and I also run the house in a different way to how she does. Having Louise home for those three days, at first, I was paranoid, and asked Louise advice on everything... as you can imagine, that got old pretty quick, especially because Louise is on a tight deadline. So after that I was constantly looking over my shoulder waiting to be corrected, but she was very good and graciously bit her tongue the vast majority of times I was "doing it wrong".  Although the last day it seemed every time she come upstairs (from the downstairs study) Alex was crying, I was burning the food, or there was something on the floor that shouldn't be there...

Parental Observations:

  • There is no "right way" only a thousand wrong ways - or at least it feels like that
  • When you make a mistake someone will there to see you
  • I should have read some parenting books... 

Easter at the grandparents
My Parents live approx 2 hours away, so the drive was pretty easy.  My Sister and her husband were competing in a dancing competition and had dropped off her two daughters for the long weekend. It also rained all weekend. I learned that 3 kids fill a house pretty quick.... It also gave me insight to some of the challenges that will come in the next phases of Alex's life.

Tomorrow I will be taking Alex on the Train... Wish me luck, I genuinely hope he doesn't scream the whole way. I would deserve it though for judging others with crying babies on the train... On how the tables have turned.

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