Thursday 9 April 2015

I've been at this 2.5 weeks now, and I think I've read the same set of baby books 50 times. Needless to say, I'm getting sick of them. So today we went to the library and read some different books which was great. The quality of baby books varies, so here are my book reviews:

Things that go (part of the "My First Black and White" series)
I'd first like to point out that this book is a non-fiction baby book. There are many books like this, essentially it consists of a page with an object on it the name of that object. This book contains 6 words, who knew you could become a published author by writing books with only 6 words in it!?!

I also particularly like the warning on the back of the book "Do not leave your child with this book unsupervised."  1. That is super creepy. 2,  is the book genuinely dangerous, like letting your child play with a cobra? or is it reverse-psychology to trick your young rebellious baby into literacy?

Dad's rating: 2/5 - one point for durability - each page is 4 mm thick, and one point because I can clap the pages together which entertains Alex better than reading this book. 
Alex's rating: 2/5

Tatty Tractor and Big Yellow Truck
This book follows the old baby's fiction formula of a poem with pictures, with the clever twist of including two poems in the one book.  So it practically reads itself. However the delineation between the two stories is not great - One minute you are reading about a tractor and next the main character is a truck. This can be confusing when you are sleep deprived.

If you have a Green leaning, maybe this book is not for you - it features pictures of Open cut mining and clear felling deforestation. 

Dad's rating: 3.5/5 - This book grew on my as I read it more and more. It has a loose plot and a Farmer named Ruggles. It also lost points for lack of durability... Alex ripped this book apart. 
Alex's rating: 5/5

Football Mad
This book is a sporting book so I had high hopes. The plot is average and straight forward, there is no come back, the game is won on a penalty and there is no attempt by the author to engage the reader emotionally with the characters.

The book does have 4 buttons for electronic sound effects, which is great when you stand on the book while trying to put the baby to sleep... true story.
Dad's rating: 2/5
Alex's rating: 2/5

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